Monday, September 7, 2009
I had already been working on things when I got an email today from Garett King basically saying, "where's the blog?!" He even told me how many days it was since my last posting, 20+ days! I hope he's not hard up for sermon material, but he is correct. It has been an extended period. So I thought I'd just let you know that there are a number of things "in the chute" and "on the stove" that should be posted tomorrow and Wednesday and later this week.

I've had a revelation! When you commit yourself to writing a blog, like everything else in life, it boils down to
work! You've got to stay at it, but at the same time, I can't decimate my sermon inspiration either! Every pastor knows what that's about! So, take heart, I should have things worked out by tomorrow!

Also, a couple of things would be helpful from you. One is encouragement. If you find this beneficial, let me know. I don't want to be presumptuous that you're getting something from this; plus, I don't want to waste my own time. So, if it's a help or blessing, just let me know. Along with that, if you want an immediate notification of a new posting either to your computer or to your phone, you can sign up to get an RSS feed to notify you. But..........don't ask me how you do that! I think on the website it is pretty self-explanatory. Just follow directions and things should be fine. Otherwise, happy Labor Day~

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