Sunday, July 26, 2009

God has many blessing both big and small! The mood of everyone was much higher today for the first time all week there was no rain! In fact, there was sunshine and it lasted during the whole 3-5 hours of the race. Plus, on top of this, we had a tailwind for most of the 56 mile course. Even though you have to race in any condition and you have no control over the elements....a tailwind is always a blessing!

Today's course was a very challenging one where we climbed for about 3/4 of the race. The reward today for all of tht was the last 10-12 miles were downhill, so you really picked up the pace a whole lot. Even though I rode again mostly by myself I felt pretty good throughout. Thoughts of finishing tomorrow are definitely predominat in my mind right now!

Afterwards, we had a long, 2 1/2 hour ride into Palmer, AK. The final stage is a wicked climb up Hatcher Pass with grades between 8-15% for the last half of the 30 mile event. We have about 20 miles to race to reach that point, and then it is just a long, hard, steady grind to the top. I don't think I'll be challenging Lance Armstrong (although maybe he should try riding a handcycle) but hopefully I can maintain that sustained pace all the way to the top. There are some really phenomenal climbers among the riders who will definitely distance themselves from the rest. That leaves most of the riders pretty much on their own to the top. The good news and the gaol is once you reach the top ---- you've won, because you finished!

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